I received a message from God that God is in our heart, always. We don't have to travel physically or spiritually to feel God's love. We need to take some quiet moments and focus on that love in our heart.
A couple of weeks ago, I received this message after experiencing some profound disconnect. I couldn't place the disconnect, but it kept growing. These times have been feeling difficult for me, and for those around me and further out. From what I see in the news, many people might be feeling similarly. I feel it's a spiritual and physical heaviness.
One day, I felt extremely lost and without any emotion except that I found it hard to be here. I just started walking. I came home, and everyone seemed lost in their world of disconnect, so I walked some more. This time, I was going to continue walking. I had no emotion, which is unlike me. While I walked, I wondered why.
Fortunately, my family came after me, and helped me back emotionally. While talking, I finally realized my feeling - I felt disconnected from God. I pray each day, but I felt disconnected. I finally felt some emotion and cried. What a relief.
The next morning, my husband told me that someone else in the family felt similarly to me. Strange because that's an abnormal feeling for that person. That person may feel down, but has never felt that down. Seemed like it was a spiritual attack or energies off that night.
When I woke up, I received that message from God. Messages from God have always come with love and calmness. The messages don't come as a voice through my ears or in my head, but something into my consciousness. God seems to speak to our spirit.
I have held onto that message since that day. The message that God is within our heart has helped me. Our physical bodies and minds can cause us to feel disconnected because of pain. But, our spirit - our true selves - is always connected to God. We need to take some time each day to pause, allow our mind, body and spirit to just be and feel God's presence and love for each of us.
I kept feeling that I needed to share this message. I hope it helps.
Sending you all love,